Live and let live

Jar of hearts
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 @ 9:25 AM
Who do you think you are?
Running around leaving scars,
Collecting your jar of hearts.
Tearing love apart

You're gonna catch a cold
From the ice inside your soul
Don't come back for me
Don't come back at all

Thursday, May 12, 2011 @ 11:49 PM
There are many people who walk into your life,
I'm grateful for everyone of you.
But sometimes, I just wish more would have stayed and not walk out the door.

Quit pushing me already
Sunday, April 10, 2011 @ 12:36 AM
Yesterday, we celebrated Jerald birthday. Can see that he was ultra touched by the surprise, haha. Today I also celebrated Nevine birthday at the traders hotel. It totally felt like going for a wedding haha, but it was cool. Good program, delicious food which I kept going back to tr buffet table for 2nd helpings, perform with pris while I played the guitar, dancing, games, and lots of pictures taken :) had a great time today :)

On a side note, Iately I feel very annoyed with my mum. She been so moody and volatile, and gets upset over the smallest issue. Now she being all cranky about me working. First she wanted me to get a job during the holidays to make better use of my time and now she complaining that I'm working too much and tells me in this tone that (no offense) is so rude. Next, she wants me to go ikea with her and dad tmr but I got church and she doesn't want to wait for me to finish church than go. So yeah I told her I won't go to church tmr for class but have to be there at 2 for emcee dry run. She was like dont go back than must rush here and rush there. Argh, you think I have so much time is it? And it's not that I can split myself into several Jamie s to be where everyone wants me to be. I know that I'm not suppose to say all this but I really need to vent out, yeah kids are suppose to be obedient and filial but sometimes we kids are also facing our daily struggles and battles so parents here's a message: quit being so annoying and give us a break! And it's not that we don't want to obey but it's you guys who are making it so difficult and complicating things. Yup, I'm done.

On cloud 9
Tuesday, April 5, 2011 @ 12:00 AM

Hop on to my hot air balloon

So we can fly up into the sky

where no one can see us

but only the birds as our witness


Love wrecked.

Clock's ticking
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 @ 12:38 AM
I'm dreading tomorrow ; not because I dont want it to come but rather don't want it to end

Thinking aloud
Monday, March 21, 2011 @ 12:30 AM
Love is louder, it's deafening!

Days of fun and toil
Sunday, March 20, 2011 @ 10:48 PM
I'm going to miss this place, this place where I have worked for the past few months and the friends that I have made even the ones that I do not talk often to. I'm going to miss my routine where I wake up early to eat breakfast with dawn and Jerald. Work till our asses off but still having so much at the same time. Miss the songs that kept replaying in the radio and all the epic moments that happened good or bad. I kinda don't want school to start so fast because I really enjoy working here :) I will truly miss everyone!

Floating on a log
Friday, March 18, 2011 @ 1:19 AM
Its been a while since i last posted, :D Been really caught up with work.
I really enjoy working there, just the other day Dawn, Jerald, Dboy and I went for sushi buffet then walked around in vivo and just talked all night long at starbucks. At work we all just find things to amuse ourselves, like theres this BFG (Big.Friendly.Giant) he's name is Dave working now, wilson cannot stop disturbing everyone, elaine screaming, suresh always commenting on my bloody watch. I actually do not want to stop working at astons, i like now when you dont really have to think about the future just have fun in what you are doing now. Thats why i will miss them when school starts, a new phase of my life begins. The people at astons are also going their separate ways, i wonder if we will still stay in touch? I hope we do though,

I'm starting to feel a new wave,
as if my heart is beating again.
But im wary if i put my heart out there
it will get broken.
Yet, i dont want to regret not doing something
I dont want to feel like i didnt put enough effort in knowing you
because we have so little time left.
I'm scared to feel this sense of hopefulness
but i cant stop thinking about you

Thursday, March 10, 2011 @ 12:30 AM

My church friend had a surprise birthday party for me. Lol and i thought they forgot about my birthday.

Celebrated my birthday with my family at a jap buffet restaurant (: Ate like hell a lot of food. When i got back home the twins and nevine were outside my house to surprise me. hahah It was so epic and fun. Tricia baked for me (; While walking to city square we met Ms Goh and talked to her. Then went to city square to eat at breeks cafe and yoguru. At night, Uncle Moses and my relatives also brought birthday cake for me and jason since the both of us are born in the month of march. (: This year's birthday was very simple yet lots of pleasant surprises. Thank you all for remembering and wishing me either through sms or on facebook. Really meant a lot (:

Dawn, Dboy, Jerald and I got an off day to go to ecp together. Bring our hong kong friend around (: Ate at my house's foodcourt there then went to ecp. Haha it was really fun, we cycled, rest at a stop, played cluedo and monopoly deal. And a short game of volleyball which we had to go since it started to drizzle. Head down to 313 to eat at HANDBURGER. ahah its a great place i think, and the waitress is pretty (: Walked down to orchard, window shop then went to starbucks to sit down and play mono deal/cluedo. hahaha it was super epic at the last moment :D Super funn~

Alex Pettyfer
Saturday, March 5, 2011 @ 12:56 AM

Suntec tower 4 at carrefour's entrance has the best teh tarik stall ever! I absolutely love it, its becoming such a craving like every minute. The name of the place is called AJ's Teh Tarik. lol im starting to buy it every morning for breakfast super yum! (:

Today was my half day, thank god. I think these few days has been just work work work. The amount of mistakes im making each day is slowly rising, yesterday i even like forgot to turn off the ice lemon tea dispenser so like the drink jsut overflowed. And worst, it happened twice and i made such a mess. Im soo tired that i cant focus properly like im going berserk or something...

Some funny things that happened over the week:
1. Huge drama over man doc doc :(
2. Jerald became papa ricky jnr when he did dishwashing the other day. Total replica!!
3. D boy doing pantry. hahaha my disciple totally jam up the place lol but got better after that ;)
4. Wilson is annoying! :D He can't stop playing pranks at other people. Crazy
5. Kitchen people like to burn each other's cap lol

Anyway after work, went to plaza sing to meet Caroline, Elizabeth, Ashley, Gim for dinner and movie (I AM NUMBER FOUR!) Ate at Nandos, their hot sauce is so good. Just make sure you have a solid supply of water next to you :) Oh, and gim friends were there too. Slightly awkward, played at arcade for like 10 mins before going in for our movie. LOL.

To be honest, it was kinda disappointing the movie. Because i read the book (3/4 of it) i have super high expectation or a visualisation of what will happen but it didnt happen in the movie. Sucks that Henri had to die, Dianna Agron was so much a calefare rather than the main actress, movie focused/emphasized on the wrong scenes. There were many changes and weird loopholes that didnt really flow (in my opinion) And no offense, but the kiss between Dianna Agron and Alex Pettyfer was so weird, it was so wrong. No feelings, nadah.

The only good parts were how cute Sam is in the show, ( i actually visualised him as a nerd with specs and damn ugly) hahah but he is so cute! Number six is wayy hot! Love the action scenes at the end ;D And i like the fact that the mongadorians look so fugly ;)

15 years and more
Wednesday, March 2, 2011 @ 12:31 AM
Love you lots even though you can be such a pain in the ass sometimes (:

Prisoner of my own mind
Tuesday, March 1, 2011 @ 1:14 AM
This song is called zui jin by lee sheng jie.
My brain is stuck with this song cause the kitchen guys always playthis song on their speaker. And im telling you its EVERYTIME. Somehow,i like this song because of its melody. Though im no big fan of chinese songs but this song i like ;D

怎么了 为什么

我们不适合 也不想认输
不想再约束 不要再痛苦

爱 我却不能够给你我全部
我们不适合 也不想认输
不想再约束 不要再痛苦

daisies bloom
dreamy things
umbrella beach