Live and let live

Floating on a log
Friday, March 18, 2011 @ 1:19 AM
Its been a while since i last posted, :D Been really caught up with work.
I really enjoy working there, just the other day Dawn, Jerald, Dboy and I went for sushi buffet then walked around in vivo and just talked all night long at starbucks. At work we all just find things to amuse ourselves, like theres this BFG (Big.Friendly.Giant) he's name is Dave working now, wilson cannot stop disturbing everyone, elaine screaming, suresh always commenting on my bloody watch. I actually do not want to stop working at astons, i like now when you dont really have to think about the future just have fun in what you are doing now. Thats why i will miss them when school starts, a new phase of my life begins. The people at astons are also going their separate ways, i wonder if we will still stay in touch? I hope we do though,

I'm starting to feel a new wave,
as if my heart is beating again.
But im wary if i put my heart out there
it will get broken.
Yet, i dont want to regret not doing something
I dont want to feel like i didnt put enough effort in knowing you
because we have so little time left.
I'm scared to feel this sense of hopefulness
but i cant stop thinking about you

daisies bloom
dreamy things
umbrella beach