Live and let live

Quit pushing me already
Sunday, April 10, 2011 @ 12:36 AM
Yesterday, we celebrated Jerald birthday. Can see that he was ultra touched by the surprise, haha. Today I also celebrated Nevine birthday at the traders hotel. It totally felt like going for a wedding haha, but it was cool. Good program, delicious food which I kept going back to tr buffet table for 2nd helpings, perform with pris while I played the guitar, dancing, games, and lots of pictures taken :) had a great time today :)

On a side note, Iately I feel very annoyed with my mum. She been so moody and volatile, and gets upset over the smallest issue. Now she being all cranky about me working. First she wanted me to get a job during the holidays to make better use of my time and now she complaining that I'm working too much and tells me in this tone that (no offense) is so rude. Next, she wants me to go ikea with her and dad tmr but I got church and she doesn't want to wait for me to finish church than go. So yeah I told her I won't go to church tmr for class but have to be there at 2 for emcee dry run. She was like dont go back than must rush here and rush there. Argh, you think I have so much time is it? And it's not that I can split myself into several Jamie s to be where everyone wants me to be. I know that I'm not suppose to say all this but I really need to vent out, yeah kids are suppose to be obedient and filial but sometimes we kids are also facing our daily struggles and battles so parents here's a message: quit being so annoying and give us a break! And it's not that we don't want to obey but it's you guys who are making it so difficult and complicating things. Yup, I'm done.

daisies bloom
dreamy things
umbrella beach